Thursday, September 18, 2008

Outta Here

We are outta here for a 3 day weekend.

Thursday in the mail, I got a Flat Stanley from a young man I have known since he and his sister and brother made their appearance as triplets some 8 years ago. Sean asked that I show Flat Stanley a good time as a school project. If you are unfamiliar, it's on wikipedia. I am getting Stan laminated and he is going on some adventures with David and I this weekend.

Update: Kathie is going on a buying trip this weekend and I do believe she is going to officially start moving in Sept 27. Yee Haw!

Many of you are preparing for Warrenton/Round Top. Good times!

I shall return to blogland Monday, sometime. Probably.

Happy Days! ~Mindy


I smile when I see each new comment. Ideas, acknowledgements, sharing. Your words are always appreciated. Thank you!