Since returning from the antique show at Zapp Hall, I simply must have lost my head! (or is that baby doll head?)
We sold a lot. Yee haw!
We played a lot. Waa hoo!
We absolutely, positively LOVED sharing time and space with our friend, Robelyn, aka red.neck chic.
We enjoyed doing our quirky thing.
Family tradition continues with my mom and sister coming to help for a few days. Love.
And my boyfriend, David, continues to be the best, most supportive, loving, kick booty, handsome man, EVER!
Did I mention it was a good show?
A very large thanks to all of you who dropped by, said hi and shopped. We would stop doing what we do if it weren't for YOU!
Click HERE to see a little Who's Who, when you peruse the pictures I took.
Click HERE to see David's pictures. His pictures are soo good!
Happy Day!