You know. I could grin. I could nod my head. I could be flattered. Hard to smile and giggle, not knowing the abilities of the artist. Thrilled, but in fear of just WHAT the artist would do with her inspiration. hmmmm...
Holy Cow. Yee Haw! Wait til you see! The woman has skillz and can make kick booty bags with my style in mind. Wow! The cat is out of the bag.
Robelyn with Red.neck Chic defines style in the handbags she produces in her laboratory. She puts touches in her handbags that define her as the one and only designer, creator, seamstress.
A couple weeks ago, we told you Robelyn was coming to Zapp Hall and showing her new Primitiques inspired line of purses. Ok. It was supposed to be a surprise to me, but I figured her out. She's not as sneaky as she'd like to think she is! She has created a "primitiques meets red.neck chic" line of bags that has my very own jaw dropping to the ground. A couple tubs of inspiration were dropped off in Poetry this weekend. Wanna see?
Uh huh. Good, huh? haaaa! Ok, here is a closer gander...
Denim, hair on, belt buckle. Seriously. Pinch me. Am I really awake? Love it!
It wasn't enough that she was inspired by Primitiques. The artist, seamstress, visionary, went and created a pattern called Thee Mindy. (side note: my mother calls me and my sister by The Mindy and The LucyJane...ha!...wild!) I can't decide if Robelyn is psychic or what. Who doesn't love that ruffle and bling? Hello?
And what can she do with a feedsack, that others aren't already doing? Well, she knows how to go red.neck on a feedsack. That's for sure. Check this out.
Do you see the drawer pull? Ha! Nice touch! Everything about Red.neck is recyled. No new, straight from Jo Ann's fabric for her. The girl has recycling down!
While the front is something to ooooo and ahhhh over, check out the back side of this primitiques meets red.neck chic bag...
Ha! Yup. A good time to say The End, huh?
The bags, Primitiques merchandise and Mindy and David will be at Zapp Hall setting up, starting this Thursday morning. The show starts Friday morning at 10:00 am. Be sure to stop by to get first dibs on the kick booty, detailed, inspired rnc bags. Here's her etsy store if you just can't wait.
I'm no Mona Lisa, but I am thrilled that Robelyn was inspired by little ole me and my store in Poetry, Texas!
Come discover red.neck chic. You'll be glad you did!
By the way, the red head will be on hand to discuss inspiration and hand bag details Saturday, March 27 through Wednesday, March 31. The bags will be available throughout the show, or until they are gone. You better hurry!
Happy Monday!