First order of bidness. It has been decided. I will be back in Warrenton, at Zapp Hall for the Spring Show. Yee haw! The Fall Show was so much fun! So, go ahead and pencil me in. March 27 - April 3. Heck. Use ink. You know you wanna!
I'll be at the same location, between Zapp Hall and Royer's. Just look for the tent with the knotted sheers. Be prepared. Bring a large trailer. I have doubled my space!
Next order of business. With the cooler weather and the holidays approaching, egg nog comes to mind, yes? Yesterday, I stopped by my local liquor store, and lo and behold, what did they just get in? Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog. Don't ask me how many cases I bought. Yes. Cases. I praised it last year, and I continue to brag on this amazing liquid gift to mankind. In this bottle of beauty, you will taste blended whisky, rum, and brandy in fresh dairy cream. Get out your fat pants and plant your booty at home, cuz, there's no need to be out and about drinking this unless you have a designated driver. Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog puts the Zing in amazing!

Next on my list of things to talk about. Debbie scared me today with a BOO!
According to Debbie, Tina at The Tattered Cottage is having a You've Been Boo'd Party.
You Have Been BOO'd The air is cool, the season is fall,Soon Halloween will come to all. Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore...Tricky witches at your door. The spooks are after things to do,In fact, a spook brought this "BOO" to you. The excitement comes when friends like you,Copy this note and make it two. We'll all have smiles on our faces,When we see who Boo'd who's places.
Listen here. I am not always a rules follower with tags and all. But, this one is cute. And I just love Debbie for playing with me. So, I am supposed to BOO 4 other bloggers and they are supposed to BOO 4 others and so on. If you are inclined to play, do so. If not, no Boo Hooing here. (aren't I funny?) I am going to BOO some bloggers who came by and visited with me at Zapp. Y'all have fun! And if you choose to play, head to Tina's blog and add your link to Mr. Linky.
Anne at Fiona and Twig...BOO!
Angelique at Six in One Hand...BOO!
Adrienne at The Flying Bee...BOO!
Amy at Gypsy Chix...BOO!
What an odd coincidence that everyone's name starts with an A. Hmmmm. BOO!
Happy Weekend!