Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sneak Peek

Friday, May 29, 2009
Vintage Cardboard Tubes

What is your take on these cardboard tubes? Their history or their future? Like em? I am one to like things more in bulk, so, I'm on the lookout for more.
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Spelling Bee
When I was perusing match.com for a man, spelling counted. Seriously. David actually complimented me on my writing skills (spelling included) when he contacted me on match.com. See? We are so well suited, we share this desire for proper spelling! Have I mentioned that we have been dating for 20 months now? Indeed!
I digress. I just did a spell check and it says "no misspellings found". Whew!
So, are you aware that tomorrow night, Thursday evening, 8p/7c, the Scripps National Spelling Bee Finals are being televised on ABC?
My sister, LucyJane, and I will be planted in front of the TV. Pina coladas in hand. Cheering on whoever catches our fancy. We will raise our hand between our eyes and the TV, cover the word on the screen, and then fail miserably at spelling it out loud.
So, my friends, this is your public service announcement. Set your DVR, Tivo, old school VCR. Use a pen to circle it on your TV guide. Mark your calendar. Clear your calendar! Prepare to cheer on a child. Challenge yourself. Enjoy good, clean, simple entertainment.
And then, come back here and tell me all about it. If you give it a chance, you will realize and appreciate why I have watched the Scripps Spelling Bee Finals the last 3 years, without fail.
Love it!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Let's see. Saturday was a much sunnier day in Poetry and we had lots of folks come out and buy from the community yard sale and from Primitiques. Thanks, y'all!
Alisha of Presh-Presh and Misti of M2 (that is M squared for you non-math folks), came by and what fun these ladies are going to be in Warrenton! And of course, I forgot to take my camera. Ugh. I also got to meet a lurker, Candy. She said she does not have a blog, she just reads all of us. She and some girlfriends are professional junkers from the Dallas area. It was so nice to meet you, Candy.
Sunday after church, David and I headed to Athens to check out Winnie & Tulula's home. David got to play with his new Canon 50D camera. Here is your exclusive look at W&T's, as it was Sunday. Have I ever told you that I love old buildings? Check this out:
These front, display windows are divine.
And here is Gloria, the direct descendant of Winnie and Tulula...and the Queen Mother of this concept antique mall. I dreamed of chippy green walls Sunday night. Aren't they marvelous?
Monday, David got to name it, regarding our activities. So, we enjoyed putting together a futon for his screened porch and then we caught some rays in his swimming pool. My legs are as white as a catfish belly. You know that is white, don't you? I need to work on the tan. We grilled steaks, enjoyed margaritas and I tested out the futon for a nice little nap. This screened porch rocks!
I hope to catch up with y'all soon.
Shoot, I almost forgot, Misti at M2 tagged me. Didn't I just do this? But, she wants to know 7 things about me. So, briefly:
1. I liked the flavor of play-doh when I was a kid. Nice and salty. I'd choose Fritos now days.
2. I wrecked every car I ever had. Well, until I paid for one with my own money. No wrecks since then! Sorry Mom and Dad!
3. Everyone thought I was a boy when I was a kid. I had short hair and I went fishing with my dad. Can you say tom boy?
4. I was in All State Choir in high school. Yup. I was a choir goon.
5. I played 13 seasons of soccer when I was a kid. Loved soccer!
6. I want to be a donor when I die. Actually, upon my last breath, take my parts and then rush me to the furnace. I do NOT want folks staring at me when I am dead.
7. I like almonds. Salted. Smoked. Almonds. Yum!
Happy Tuesday!
Friday, May 22, 2009
As a team player, I think it would be the funnest (is that a word?) to learn more about some of the lady dealers coming into Winnie and Tulula's. Don't you? This will be fun! Well, that is, if they have the time to play. You know, we only have until June 13, to prepare for our grand opening.
So, here we go, in no particular order:
1. Maggie at The Veranda.
2. Lillie of the Junk Palace.
3. Donna at Curious Goods.
4. Theresa of Garden Antqs Vintage.
5. Debbie at Talking Trash.
6. Gloria at The Sweet Pea Collection. I truly do not expect to hear from Gloria, the Queen Mother of Winnie & Tulula's. She is one busy woman, preparing the building for all of us. She keeps telling me that when I meet her, she will be the one looking like a homeless woman. Bless her heart! She is working it, for sure! Just go peruse her site and love that music. Great stuff!
Now. My task is to tell you six things that you might not know about me. And I will do that...But, as always when I am tagged, I make up rules. Let's see...alright tagged ladies, share with us 6 things that you might be bringing to Winnie & Tulula's for the Grand Opening. You can tell us 6 things about you, too, if you have time. I know you are busy!
I'll bring:
1. Rusty stuff
2. Chippy stuff
3. Painted stuff
4. White stuff
5. Metal stuff.
6. Garden stuff.
(was this a big tease, or what?)
And just for grins, here are 6 things you probably don't know about me:
1. I love Burt's Bee's chapstick.
2. Mrs. Meyer's home cleaning products rock. They are like perfume for my home AND they are functional.
3. My very first car was a Ford Pinto. And I live to tell about it.
4. I lettered in golf in high school.
5. I hope to retire from my "real" job in less than 5 years. he he he
6. I have 4 indoor cats: Ellie Mae, Jethro Bodene, Opie Jo and Country Bumpkin (Bunky). Am I country or what?
Now, you ladies who were tagged, you can take any or part of this assignment. If you desire, link back to me and then list those 6 things, and then tag 6 more bloggers.
The rest of you, check out these talented women and you will soon figure out how excited I am to be a part of this new venture!
The Poetry Community Yard Sale is tomorrow from 8:00am-1:00pm. Y'all come see us!
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
There are trends and there are trendsetters. Tell your secrets.
Who influences you? Do you follow anyone in particular? What current trends are you loving? Wood, painted or stained? Or no wood at all? Metal. Chipped, painted or rusty? Colors? No colors? What colors? Plaster? Chalk? Silver? Gold?
Me? I used to like unpainted woods only. American primitives. Oak. Ahhh...beautiful oak! No Euro furniture at all. I am evolving into less woods all together. I am watching clothing styles. I am looking at the big picture. I can't just be happy anymore with what I have always liked.
Ok. So, you don't have to tell all of your secrets! I just like the idea of knowing where you have come from and where you are going. Do tell...
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Life is Short

We aren't promised tomorrow. Love today. Live today. Cherish your family.
I will miss this blond ray of sunshine.
Happy Life!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Celebration and Announcement - Post 200
Romantic Country and Romantic Homes seem to be quite popular. I might very well pick them up and check them out. Heck, I might have to pick up all of these just to peruse, at least once.
I really like that some "lurkers" came out of the woodwork with recommendations. Where have y'all been? I look forward to spending some time checking out the new folks' blogs.
Here is what was said about the magazine I chose:
"...Southern charm and sophistication, bling and gilt, with rustic and primitive thrown in. Always beautiful photos."
I like what she had to say. Her summation hits on where my interests lie these days.
Sooo, based solely on Joan from Anything Goes Here's recommendation, I will be subscribing to Veranda. Now, y'all go look at her blog, would ya? She is one of the lurkers I referred to earlier. I have never seen her blog before today, and I love it! Well written. Great photography. I like her!
Joan, email me your full name/address info and I will send you a 1 year subscription, as promised!
Post 200. Wow! Wanna hear how I am celebrating?
Big News!
Have you heard about Winnie and Tulula's in Athens? This is not your Mother's Antique Mall. The dealers here DON'T colour between the lines. Big names are going to be in this joint selling their goods. I could name them, but you may as well just click on over and read all about them. It's like Who's Who Among Kick Booty Dealers. To quote the last post on their blog, there will be "fabulous dealers, designers and stylists taking up residence here." I know you are booking your flights and clearing your calendars for Saturday, June 13. That is the day of the Grand Opening.
You know I will be there. Who would miss this? But, guess what. Not only will I be there. I will be there selling. Set up. In my very own space. Selling! Me! Yup! I will be one of those dealers in Winnie and Tulula's! I have never coloured between the lines. And I absolutely love the idea of being surrounded by such wonderful peeps. Exciting stuff, eh?
Who's coming?
Happy Monday and Happy 200th post to me!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Raindrops were Falling on Our Heads (post #199)

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Magazine Recommendation (post 198)
While I do learn a lot from blog reading and perusing, I don't always have a computer with me. There are times when I would enjoy picking up a magazine and thumbing through.
Y'all have seen what I buy, how I decorate, what interests me. Save me some time and tell me: What magazine should I pick up now? What do you like? Why do you like it? Why do you think I'll like it? Influence me!
My 200th post is coming up and if, just based on what you tell me, I choose your recommendation, we are both in for a treat. I will not only order it for me, I will give you 1 year, as well.
So, do tell! I'll choose and announce the day of my 200th post....which will probably be this weekend some time.
I look forward to hearing what y'all enjoy and what you think I will enjoy! I miss Country Home!
Follow up: I am not taking any other mags at this time. If more than one of you "pushes" the same mag with equal passion and I choose that one, I will throw your names in a hat and choose one of you for the 1 year subscription. So, don't be afraid to recommend one that is already mentioned. I'd like to know what you think will best fit me.
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Rain are Shine!
One day, my folks were driving around garage sale-ing when they saw a yard sale sign that said "Open Rain are Shine" on it. They laughed so hard! So, now we say it all the time.
I hope to see some locals at Primitiques this Saturday, come rain are shine. Mayron tells me she is bringing out come cool metal stuff to set up with me. One of my regular customers is bringing vintage jewelry to sell. We have several garage sale folks setting up. I think we're going to have a good turn out. Come see us!
I just heard this scoop. Go here to find out about a new shop in Athens. It seems many of my favorite dealers are going to be in one place! How dadgum convenient is this going to be? Yee haw!
I am limited to computer access these days, so if you haven't heard from me, don't be hatin'. I miss you.
Happy Day!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
More pics and Stuff

Have I told you the tick story? When David and I went to Eureka Springs, I discovered 2 ticks on me that I had picked up along the way. And then this past Saturday, I acquired a Poetry tick. Y'all. I do NOT like insects on my body. In particular, blood sucking, invasive insects! ICK!
We are still hoping for no rain on Saturday. The Community Yard Sale may be postponed; we are still waiting on Wednesday's forecast for Saturday. Regardless, there will be red tag specials at Primitiques this weekend. We need more room for all of these new goodies we've been getting!
As for the blog party. I am not getting a lot of feedback on whether folks are coming to my house after the sale. Let's go ahead and cancel that aspect of things. If that breaks your heart, let me know and I'll rethink it. But, unless I get some inspiration, my house is not going to be in visitor shape!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, May 11, 2009
A Working Weekend

Update: We will decide Wednesday whether the Community Yard Sale needs to be rescheduled, due to rain. If needed, we will set up May 23 (instead of May 16).
Happy Day!
Friday, May 8, 2009

What kind of traditions do you share with your family?
Happy Mother's Day Weekend to you all!
ps. All photos are courtesy of Snakelover61.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I Scream, You Scream,
As the day approaches for the Big Poetry Sale and the Blog Party, I have decided not to kill myself cookin'. Instead, for all you bloggers who come out to my house after the sale, I will provide the makings for some hot fudge sundaes. Hey, if I survive this big sale, after being sick for the last week, it will feel like I've passed on to the next grade! It will be a treat for all of us! Several of you have responded that you are coming to the sale. I am so excited to see some familiar faces and to meet some new friends.
Go back here and tell me if you will be coming to my house for ice cream so I can make sure I have enough Blue Bell. I am aiming to be packed up and ready to go by 3pm. You can come to the sale at your leisure, hit other local shops and then rally back at Primitiques by 3pm. We'll all entourage to my house from there. It's not a 5 minute drive. Sound like a plan?
Now, if y'all read David's last post, you know I am ripe to steal some of his flickr pics...so, here ya go!
David and I played dress up in Eureka Springs. The man is killer in a pair of chaps, let me tell ya! Go here to see another pose.

Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Cart Project

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
David's Birthday Weekend

Monday, May 4, 2009
We're Baaack!!!

Of course, it will take me some time to get caught up on y'all. Four days away from a computer puts one in blog limbo, ya know! I hope all is well.