I handed it to my mother and told her that when I died, I wanted the picture buried with me. Seriously! I did! Look. She wrote my wishes on the back of my art work.
I guess you could say I have always been warped regarding death. And I always thought that I'd die young. At the age of 43, I am willing to say that if I die today, I outlived my very own expectations. (Let's not debate on whether I am still young. Of course, I am. But, not to a 5 1/2 year old!)
So, I was visiting with a friend today, via email and we were discussing some ideas I have for my future, after I retire from my "real job" (yes, I have a real job). I was throwing around the idea of owning my own shop, where I would play good music, have good smells, fresh homemade food stuff, tea, wine, a pet cat and a real, wood burning fire place, along with kick booty antiques and home decor. Sure. I can dream!
Here is what my friend said, in part, regarding her present job and impending retirement:
"It's been a real trip, but it's made an old woman out of me.... So many things I was gonna do when I retired that won't happen... I wanted to train and work search/rescue dogs (bad neck/back..won't happen.) I wanted to build a place on the farm to take care of my orphan babies (no money, won't happen.) Wanted to finally finish my degree.. decided I was smart enough...won't happen...!!! I guess what I'm telling you is go for what you want before you wake up someday as a Walmart greeter!! I think you've got a great idea there with excellent potential."
And she added:
"I have faith in you, though. You can do anything you set your mind to! "
This, from a woman who has known me for over 15 years.
So, I consider myself in my freshman year of exploration. I am preparing for life after this job. Exploring options. Considering abilities. Developing skills. Picking brains. Surrounding myself with diverse, experienced folks. A sponge. I am a sponge.
I am getting finances in order. Attempting to take better care of my body. Considering what further education I might need to better my potential.
Because, you see, when the day comes, I want to be ready. I don't want to be an old woman with dreams unfulfilled or out of reach.
Thank you, my friend.
I am alive and I am inspired.
May her words inspire you, as well.
Happy Weekend!