Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas to me and Happy New Year to you

My gift to me. It's white and it's about 5' tall. It's round and sits on the ground. Wanna hear the story?

Christmas week, I was doing some laundry. Now, my washer and dryer are in my garage. (I didn't design this house, so no offense taken at your raised eyebrows.) Anywho...I noticed water coming out from under the washing machine. Being the diligent homeowner that I am (and having piles and piles of laundry to do) I called the repairman.

Two young fellows showed up, removed the cosmetics of my Whirlpool and started a small ghost load of laundry. After a bit, I went to check on the fellas and they were scratching their heads. Then they decided to run a large load of ghost laundry. Still nothing. No spillage, no leakage, no problemo. HUH?

One young fella said, "Is your water heater in that closet?" to which I replied "Oh, the closet that backs up to the washer and dryer? Indeed. That would be where the water heater is." I opened the closet to see rusty, leaking water all around the 15 year old water heater.

I paid the young men for their hard work. Uh huh. A $70 service charge. Then I got on the horn with a local plumber. We struck up a deal and within 2 hours I had my Christmas present to me.

I do so spoil myself, don't I?

David and I will be in east Texas this long weekend. New Year's Eve, we plan to boot scoot our way into 2010 at
Sacred Spur Ranch outside of Gladewater. Anyone wanna join us?
Christmas Eve 010
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Gift Tag Idea

Hello! I hope you made many happy memories this Christmas. I did! I really wanted to share this with you before Christmas, but I also wanted it to be a surprise to my friends and family. The need to surprise outweighed sharing before Christmas. *smile*
Check out what I did for name tags on my gifts:

I just printed up pics on my printer. Nothing fancy. Mindy gifts 003

But, I think next year, I will go for high quality pics...make it a part of the gift.
Mindy gifts 009
Mindy gifts 013
Get the picture?

Happy Monday! ~Mindy

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

For God so Loved the World

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (KJV)
Mary and Jesus 013
Mary and Jesus 011
Thought I'd share some of my family heirlooms today.
Mary and Jesus 024
I just love these.
Not sure I'll be back before Christmas. If not,
I hope your Christmas if filled with Jesus, family and love.
Merry Christmas, my friends!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Through a Child's Eyes

I posted this last year around this time and I'd like to share it again.

Through a Child's Eyes (Author Unknown)

God recently allowed me to see Jesus through the eyes of someone seeing Him for the first time. Having the advantage of knowing how the story ends, we can easily forget the cost of our redemption and the love of our Savior.

Every year we attend a local church pageant at Christmas time, which tells the story of Jesus from His birth through His resurrection. It is a spectacular event, with live animals and hundreds of cast members in realistic costumes. The magi enter the huge auditorium on llamas from the rear, descending the steps in pomp and majesty. Roman soldiers look huge and menacing in their costumes and makeup.

Of all the years we have attended, one stands out indelibly in my heart.It was the year we took our then three-year-old granddaughter, Bailey, who loves Jesus. She was mesmerized throughout the entire play, not just watching, but involved as if she were a player. She watches as Joseph and Mary travel to the Inn and is thrilled when she sees the baby Jesus in His mother's arms.

When Jesus, on a young donkey, descends the steps from the back of the auditorium, depicting His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Bailey was ecstatic. As he neared our aisle, Bailey began jumping up and down, screaming, "Jesus, Jesus! There's Jesus!" Not just saying the words but exclaiming them with every fiber of her being. She alternated between screaming his name and hugging us. "It's Jesus. Look!" I thought she might actually pass out.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at Jesus through the eyes of a child in love with Him, seeing Him for the first time. How like the blind beggar screaming out in reckless abandon, "Jesus, Jesus!", afraid he might miss Him, not caring what others thought. (Mark 10:46-52) This was so much fun.

Then came the arrest scene. On stage, the soldiers shoved and slapped Jesus as they moved Him from the Garden of Gethsemane to Pilate. Bailey responded as if she were in the crowd of women, with terror and anger. "Stop it!" she screamed. "Bad soldiers, stop it!" As I watched her reaction, I wished we had talked to her before the play. "Bailey it's OK. They are just pretending." "They are hurting Jesus! Stop it!" She stood in her seat reacting to each and every move. People around us at first smiled at her reaction, thinking "How cute!". Then they quit smiling and began watching her watch Him.

In a most powerful scene, the soldiers lead Jesus carrying the cross down the steps of the auditorium from the back They were yelling, whipping, and cursing at Jesus, who was bloodied and beaten. Bailey was now hysterical. "Stop it! Soldiers! Stop it," she screamed. She must have been wondering why all these people did nothing. She then began to cry instead of scream. "Jesus, Oh, Jesus!"

People all around us began to weep as we all watch this devoted little disciple see her Jesus beaten and killed as those first century disciples had. Going back and forth between her mother's lap and mine for comfort, she was distraught. I kept saying, "Bailey, it's OK. Jesus is going to be OK. These are just people pretending to be soldiers. She looked at me like I was crazy.

In my lap, we talked through the cross and burial. "Watch, Bailey, watch for Jesus!" The tomb began to tremble and lightening flashed as the stone rolled away. A Super Bowl touchdown cheer couldn't come close to matching this little one's reaction to the resurrection. "Jesus! He's OK. Mommy, it's Jesus!"

I prayed that she wasn't going to be traumatized by this event, but that she would remember it. I shall never forget it. I shall never forget seeing Jesus' suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection through the eyes of an innocent child.

Following the pageant the actors all assembled in the foyer to be greeted by the audience. As we passed by some of the soldiers Bailey screamed out, "Bad soldier, don't you hurt Jesus." The actor who portrayed Jesus was some distance away surrounded by well-wishers and friends. Bailey broke away from us and ran toward him, wrapping herself around his legs, holding on for dear life. He hugged her and said, "Jesus loves you." He patted her to go away. She wouldn't let go. She kept clinging to Him, laughing and calling His name. She wasn't about to let go of her Jesus.

I think God in heaven stopped whatever was going on that day and made all the angels watch Bailey. "Now, look there! You see what I meant when I said, 'Of such is the kingdom of heaven?'" Bailey's reaction should be our reaction every day. When we think of Him, who He is, what He did for us, and what He offers us, we have to say, how can we do anything less than worship Him? see Christ through the eyes of a child. God bless you and yours this Christmas.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Granite on the Table

I like it so much, I can't stand it! Look at the hunk o' granite I picked up this week.
2009December19_Dining Room Table 004
Granite, fyi, is very heavy. It rests on the old cotton sack on my dining room table, and I am not at all sure if I'll ever move the granite again. Heavy. Right, David? No. I didn't iron the cotton sack. Just folded it over and it's being ironed by the granite, as we speak.
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I'm still working on the center piece area. It's good. But, I'm looking for the wow thing. I'll let you know when I find it.
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I hope you are having a great weekend and are able to enjoy the hustle and bustle going on all around in celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Slumber Party at the Cat House

Not the kind of cat house you might be thinking. Cat Daddy and his blonde kitten, our very own Debbie, Miss Talking Trash , herself, live there. Debbie is hosting a slumber party in celebration of 100,000 hits on her blog since it's inception. That right there is a lot of lookers!

Has Debbie ever looked at you like this?
Or like this? She looks unhappy here, doesn't she?
Wanna know why she is cutting her eyes like this? She is unhappy. Why? You ask. Because YOU aren't there yet!

See how happy she gets when friends show up at her parties?
Make Debbie giggle. Stop by her blog, drink a hot Dr. Pepper and visit. No one will make fun of your footed jammies. I promise!
Happy Day to you, Miss Debbie. We love you! Now, is it my turn at Twister?

ps. If you use the "subscribe by email" option when you leave your first comment at Debbie's, you'll get updates as the party goes on. It's a fun way to keep up.

AND...all pictures are courtesy of photographer (and boyfriend) extraordinaire, David. Isn't he good?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cotton Sack Table Runner

Slowly but surely, my abode is starting to get that homey, Christmasy feeling.
Dining Room Table
I recently acquired a very large old cotton sack. My dad, who picked cotton as a child, said that this sack would probably have been used to tote 75 to 100 pounds of cotton. Wow! How do you like it as a table runner?
Cotton Sack Table Runner
I don't know if folks ironed their cotton sacks in the good ole days, but, I think mine will meet an iron pretty soon.
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After it's ironed, I'll double it up in the center of the table. Place settings won't sit square if I leave it as is, huh? Here. I straightened the picture out. This is better, isn't it Troy? Sorry for the dizzy spell!
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Ok...thanks for the break. This is me getting back to work. *smile*

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 14, 2009

LaurieAnna's in Canton

Have you been? Do you know her? What have you bought from LaurieAnna's? Her store is a mix of so many things that I like.

Glitz on a brown Christmas tree (you know I want that tree!):
LaurieAnna's 3
Balance and beauty in displays:
LaurieAnna's 7
LaurieAnna has a knack for mixing the old with the not so old:
LaurieAnna's 6
There is an elegance to everything this woman touches:
LaurieAnna's 16
LaurieAnna always has something that appeals to my primitive roots:
LaurieAnna's 12
If you would like to see more, click here for the the pics I took while visiting Saturday.

On her blog, LaurieAnna is having a daily drawing with lots of wonderful goodies from her store. Heck, you don't have to wait for her to draw your name. She'll let you order online. She ships. Yup. How much better does it get? And no. I did not just tell you all that so that she would start drawing my name. I would never do schmooze for free stuff. *wink* Click here to go to her blog. Peruse, drool and shop. Have fun!

Happy Monday!


Saturday, December 12, 2009


2009December10_Fireplace 013
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions on my last post. Wow! You really had some great, functional, eye pleasing ideas. I look forward to shopping around and seeing what I can come up with based on your ideas.

In the meantime, I am still playing around with what is on the shelf. The balance isn't quite right yet.
You might remember the bare Christmas tree in the previous post. Well, let me show you a little sumpin' sumpin'.
2009December10_Fireplace 020
The word "progress" comes to mind.

I've been shopping and I feel like Santa Claus. I have fresh merchandise to deliver in Poetry and in Athens. So, I'm headed out the door for Primitiques, then a quick stop in Canton at LaurieAnna's (She's having daily drawings, by the way. Check out her blog.) and then I'll be headed to Winnie & Tulula's. Maybe I'll bump into you somewhere along the route.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What do you suggest?

Yesterday, I was in the dressing room at Ross, Dress for Less when I heard a lady say to her friend, "Tell me the truth." She was standing in front of the 3 way mirror checking out an outfit. I was half dressed, but almost ran to the mirrors to give my opinion. I luuurv giving my opinion! But, alas, I refrained.

Besides clothes shopping, I have started redecorating my home for Christmas. I picked up this mirror at a little resale shop yesterday. Love it! Tall candlesticks? Cheap at a discount store. Gold trees? A thrift store. Stockings will be hung by the chimney with care, eventually.
Here's where you come in, my dressing room lurking friends. The issue? Fireplace shelf/mantle. See the oak shelf over the fireplace? I hate it. I have a marvelous oak fireplace mantle/surround, but, I use it for a headboard. Here it is:
Mantle Headboard
Look at this bigger picture of the fireplace.
2009December09_Fireplace 001
There is a hole under the fireplace that was built for firewood. It comes in handy. On either side of the hole, see the silver vents? The fireplace has a heat-a-lator. It helps disperse heat. It's a good thing.

If you look at that first picture again, you'll see that the bricks between the two stocking trees have slits. The heat is blown from the heat-a-lator, through these slits.

But now, if you will, imagine an antique mantle surround. It won't fit. It would cover the vents on the sides, and it would most likely cover the slits in the bricks. Not good. What to do? Besides the vent placement, the fireplace is high. So, it sits too high for my mantle surround, anyway.

What do you think? Just find an old hunk of wood and make it into a shelf? Find an old half rotten surround and chop off the legs? Help!
2009December09_Fireplace 002
What do you suggest? To quote the gal in the dressing room, "Tell me the truth." I have lived with (and hated) this shelf for way too long. Maybe Santa will hook me up with your groovy suggestion.

You may have noticed, I've been away from the computer quite a lot lately. I am behind on y'alls posts. I miss you. But, I am also behind on life. My home and both stores need me. It's a tug of war and life away from blogging/reading/commenting is winning the tug right now. Thank you to the newbies/lurkers who have left comments recently. I'm sure I'll be back in full force soon.

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 7, 2009

More Primitiques Pictures

They are here! They are here!
David, photographer (and boyfriend) extraordinaire,
has his pictures up from
Primitiques' Christmas Open House.
2009December03_Primitiques 024
(I took this picture)

Are you ready to lay eyes on what his lens captured?
I always like to view in the "slideshow" mode.
You'll see that option over on the upper right hand side.
Click here and enjoy.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

That was Fun!

Most of you know I have lived, breathed and eaten Christmas Open Houses the last two weekends. The first was at Winnie & Tulula's. Click here to view David's pictures if you haven't seen them yet. That was one fun party with lots of fun people, let me tell ya.
2009November29_wt's 020
Yesterday, we enjoyed Primitiques' Open House. David's pictures haven't been uploaded yet, but I can't wait to share them with you! He took lots of pics of all of our guests. Talk about Who's Who Among Primitiques Shoppers! Here are the pictures I took before the event in Poetry. You'll see that it snowed and the birds flew in after some of the pics were taken. You can bet there are some holes left now that some shoppers came through. Whew! Good times, I tell ya!
2009December03_Primitiques 027
If you weren't able to stop by, no fear. We are open Monday -Friday 8:30am - 6:00pm and on Saturdays 8:30am - 3:00pm. Holler if you are coming and I'll try to be there. I can usually meet folks in the mornings.
2009December03_Primitiques 007
A big THANK YOU to everyone who came out to Poetry and to Athens.
Y'all are the greatest!
Happy Sunday!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Snow Birds in Poetry

Would you believe it snowed inside the store at Primitiques this morning?
It's so white and beautiful that the snow owls and penguins have come to play.
Owls, Snow and Penguins in Poetry-2
They have volunteered to be the official welcoming committee at the
Christmas Open House in the morning.
Snow Owls and Penguins - 2
The owls insisted that I give you a sneak peek.
Who is looking out for you? Whoooo?
2009December03_Primitiques 017
I love birds just as much as the next girl,
but, these winged fellows are pushy!
The penguins said I should show you this:
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If you want to take the birds home with you,
you better get to Primitiques early.
I have a feeling they will "fly" right outta here.
Doors will open promptly at 10:00 am.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Convenient!

Most of you local yokels are fully aware that First Monday at Canton is in full swing at this very moment. But, are you aware that Primitiques is less than 45 minutes away from the flea? How convenient is that? It might even be on your way! So, here's what ya here to plot your route to Primitiques from wherever you are. Empty your junkmobile and head my way Saturday morning for the Christmas Open House. You'll wanna arrive any time between 10:00am and 3:00pm. After we load up your buys, head straight to Canton to see LaurieAnna. She's open until 6:00pm. Don't you just love her? Here's a map to help you get to her from Primitiques. How easy am I making this, I ask you?

I know. You want pictures of Primitiques, don't you? Ok. Here is Miss Kitty giving the eye to Santa Clause.
Here are some shots of Christmas cheer on a kick booty alabaster mirror.
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A glance of the crystals in the sky.
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I can help you pack these up!
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I, after all, want you to have a holly jolly Christmas!
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Feel free to pass the word along on your blog. I'd love to meet me some new peeps!

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Pictures

It's true. No pictures. My camera battery died. Imagine, if you will, a tall white thing with blue and clear lights. I picked it up today somewhere. Zita, I can't tell you where I got it, cuz last time I mentioned that thrift stores are great sources, another dealer told me to stop telling you that. So, there. I didn't tell you where I got the tall white thing with the blue and clear lights, did I? (See Richard? I'm keeping our secret!)

Now. Picture a big ol' arbor with rusty cyclone fencing. (It didn't come from a thrift store. I bought it from Debbie and Danny.) From it, hanging down, is a rusty thingy with some crystals. Ok. A lot of crystals. Glass crystals. Yee haw! Picture that, if you will. Uh huh. Kinda cool, huh? Like it?

In your mind's eye, picture black, silver and gold stuff, all mixed up together. When you come to the Primitiques Christmas Open House this Saturday from 10a-3p, you can see it for yourself. David is in charge of that area and I can't brag enough on how good this man is!

Let's see...white and and red....a tree inside of a table? Burlap. Uh huh. We have burlap here and there. And it wouldn't be Primitiques without primitives, would it?

This post didn't need no stinkin' pictures! You can see it now, can't you? You'll see it even better Saturday, I promise. *wink*

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Past, Present and Future

As for the present, Judy Hill's Open House is this coming Thursday, December 3, from 10 - 5. If you need directions, per Judy, call now, as in presently. Thursday morning will be insane. Here is her website with her blog. Check it out. If you didn't get to go last year, well, here are the pictures I took at the 2008 Christmas show. Judy and her hubby, Bill, are A-ma-ZING!
Lamp Glow
In regard to the past, last weekend, we enjoyed a wonderful Open House at Winnie & Tulula's. Thank you everyone who came out! It was a pleasure sharing my egg nog with some of you!

I finally got all of my pictures up. Most of them were taken Saturday, after the dust had settled. If it's not labelled, I believe it's mine. I think I got everyone else's identified. I hope! Here's a little taste:

Margo's magic...
Margo's Space
Charrise put together this beautiful gold and silver vignette...
I loved this wheel hub arrangement by Whatsoever Things...
I think this is Beverly's
Liz and Fran can teach us all a thing or two about sparkle, glitz and glam!
Fran and Liz's Magic
Debbie and Danny have skillz.
Debbie & Danny
Did you see my vintage taxidermy forms? I think these are to die for! Imagine one with a paper mache dress pattern, or atlas pages, or colored comic strips, or even newspaper. Oh, the possibilities! I like them as is, myself.
2009November29_wt's 010
2009November29_W&T's 042
It's like having a dead animal on your wall and the killing wasn't necessary. Well, kinda!

Now, regarding the future. In the very near future, this Saturday, as a matter of fact, Primitiques will enjoy a Christmas Open House from 10am-3pm. Today, my sister came up to the store to help with preparations. I am getting excited!!!
Primitiques 30November2009 004
We're getting ready for you! Did I mention I take a truckload up there every time I go? We are loading in lots of new goodies. Fun!

Happy Monday!